Over the years, Sri M's efforts as a social reformer and educationist have given rise to many successful initiatives in the sectors of Education, Health & Wellness, Community Welfare, Sustainable Living, Environment, Interfaith Harmony, Peace and Exploring Consciousness.

Sri M's Initiatives

Service to human beings is 'the most important worship that a human being can do', Sri M emphasizes that ‘let us not think that we cannot do much – let us say, ‘let us do something,’ and that ‘something’ should start in here, in the heart.’

Sri M's Walk of Hope

A 15-month long padayatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, led by Sri M, spanning 7500 kms across 11 states of India in 2015-16 for peace, harmony and tolerance.

Since the Walk of Hope 2015-16, the Walk of Hope has expanded to Berlin, Germany (March 2017), The Hague, Netherlands (March 2017), Handsworth – Birmingham, UK (October 2017) and Auroville, India (January 2018) with more collaborations on spreading the idea of Oneness across the world.

Walking with M


Best Documentary Award at the Film Fest International (Berlin FFI 2023) in Milan!


Global Peace and Harmony Award at the International Film Festival The Hague (IFFH 2023)

Congratulations to the entire team!

Walking With M


Amidst an atmosphere of political divisions, religious tensions and and growing fear between communities, Sri M (Mumtaz Ali / Madhukarnath) a Modern-Day Yogi, Spiritual Author, and Teacher, chooses peace over violence and takes up a 7500km peace-march, reviving an old mission to re-kindle India's ancient values of compassion, acceptance and human understanding. Through this journey, he and his co-walkers meet with people of all faiths and identities, walking across villages towns and cities, addressing the diverse Indian population to restore the idea of humanity amidst a violent socio-political atmosphere.

The film explores this genuine apolitical attempt for peace as key speakers and co-walkers from diverse backgrounds associated with the movement narrate their experiences with Sri M on this challenging and complex journey from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. The film also traces the idea of how a silent grass-rooted movement, became the longest and the most inclusive peace-march in the modern world, by bringing together leaders and warring communities from different backgrounds and political leanings, on the same stage.

Following are the list of Initiatives that Sri M has launched in India through the charitable organization The Satsang Foundation.

Note: These initiatives are not part of

Tamo guna through service, evolves to Sattva and the mind becomes purified. Not only do you progress upwards, but you also take along with you, those whom you have served. To me, service is a significant part of one’s spiritual life.

~ Sri M

Swaasthya Hospital Project

A social initiative of Sri M to serve millions of rural folks through quality healthcare.

Sri M has taken a special initiative to setup a Speciality hospital 'Swaasthya Hospitals' at Madanapalle , Andhra Pradesh , India to provide quality healthcare and to serve the deprived and needy. Knowing the role of body, mind and environment in the pathogenesis of most of the diseases, this hospital offers healthcare in a holistic manner to derive effective results. Thus Holistic health is a result of balance, harmony of internal and external factors. Sri M's mission is to render such holistic healthcare for optimal results, with utmost compassion.

When you serve a less fortunate person in any way, material or spiritual, you are not doing him a favour. In fact, he who receives your help does you a favour by accepting what you give, and thereby helps you to evolve and move closer to the Divine, Blissful Being who in reality is within you and in the hearts of all beings.

~ Sri M

The Satsang Seva Mission

Inspired by Sri M, is an initiative supported by Satsang Foundation to serve humanity. It seeks to address the elementary needs of the poor and marginalized sections of the society during a humanitarian crisis. The strategy is a focused intervention in terms of comprehensive relief efforts — leveraged by the supporters and well-wishers of the Satsang Foundation.

A teacher should be a polished mirror.
So that when one looks at it, they would see their actual reflection, not a distorted image. Only when one sees the real picture, one can change. When one doesn’t see the real picture, how does one change?

~ Sri M


The Peepal Grove School is a co-educational, residential and alternative school in India (affiliated to the CISCE Board) located in Gongivari Palli village, Sodam Mandal in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh (India). The school was founded by Sri M and was inaugurated by the then President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam in December 2006.

Satsang Vidyalaya – founded by Sri M in 1999, is an initiative of The Satsang Foundation, offering free, high-quality, multi-lingual education to the low-income communities of Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh.

Chanda Satsang Vidyalaya – Inaugurated by Sri M on 30 June 2017, is situated in the pastoral environs on the banks of the Ganga in Amroha district – serving five small villages in the vicinity populated by daily wagers and farm workers.

Love is the essence of evolution; it is the essence of religion too, for it is religion (not organised religion) that teaches ethics and compassion.

~ Sri M


My Tree Project

Encouraging an individual/community-led partnership to plant trees, thereby fulfilling Manav Ekta Mission’s aim of promoting sustainable living.

Water Conservation Project

The aim of this initiative is to ensure that every household and institution in India recycles water efficiently. Our vision is for every Indian city to be self-sufficient for its water needs.

Yoga is a practice by which any human being who is earnestly interested can transform his or her life in a positive way, to start with. Yoga has a much vaster implication than just postures. It starts with the body, goes to the mind and proceeds to the spirit.

~ Sri M

Bharat Yoga Vidya Kendra

Bharat Yoga Vidya Kendra, an initiative of The Satsang Foundation was founded by Sri M to teach authentic, traditional Yoga for holistic well-being to all aspirants.

The Yoga Kendra functions under the direct guidance of Sri M who has practised Yoga from the age of eight and later has been teaching the deeper aspects of yogic philosophies to many. With its origin in ancient India, the practice of Yoga can be traced back to over 5000 years ago. To preserve the heritage of our country, the curriculum at BYVK has been compiled by him, based on ancient yogic texts including Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, and Haṭha Ratnāvalī.

The true essence of Consciousness is beyond the brain but functions through the brain. If you have to touch That consciousness which is not part of the brain - with its activities, memories, emotions and reaction, then perhaps, when that becomes still and quiet then you experience That consciousness which is other than merely the brain consciousness.

~ Sri M

Centre for Exploring Consciousness

At the core of this Study Centre is the spirit of Swadhayaya – Sadhana – To understand the Self. This spirit invites an enriching interaction between the inward journey and its outward expressions.

Preserve the health of the healthy and mitigate the suffering of the ailing; is the philosophy of Ayurveda, life science, practiced at ArogyaM.


ArogyaM is Sri M's vision of bringing the goodness of Ayurveda and Yoga together for inculcating a holistic way of living.

At ArogyaM, the health and wellness programs are based on Ayurvedic therapies, along with Asanas and Pranayama under the supervision of doctors and yoga experts. Programs and therapies focus on the wellness of body and mind – adequate detoxification and destress, to correct the imbalance created due to one’s diet and lifestyle. They are aimed not only at relaxation and rejuvenation but also to prepare the body and mind for spiritual progress. The serene surroundings are conducive for healing and the journey inward.